Web Page of CafeOBJ Specifications and Proof Scores for
ABP (Alternating Bit Protocol) and
QLOCK (Mutual Exclusion by Locking with Queue)
by Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST)
The five files exState.cafe,
and predCj.cafe
contain the generic proof scores.
The files with the suffix "abp-" and "qlock-" contain
the specifications and proof scores specific to ABP and QLOCK respectively.
Entering "input abp-all-ps.cafe" and "input qlock-all-ps.cafe"
to the CafeOBJ system makes all proof scores for ABP and QLOCK
be executed respectively.
Be sure to execute the "full reset" command to initialize the CafeOBJ system
between the two "input" commands.